prefilled references

Previous form details (hidden)

Before completing this form, we recommend ensuring you as an applicant, or an education agent on behalf of an applicant, have accurate information about, have reviewed, and understand:
Upon completion of the form, you will have a chance to review all answers before submitting it.

Once submitted, ACAP International Admissions will endeavor to complete an assessment of your application in a timely manner. Depending on the nature of your application, and the information provided within, additional information or evidence may be required to complete an assessment, and will be requested from you and/or your nominated agent as soon as possible.

Please issue any questions, concerns, or follow up requests to

Applicant Type

Course Details

{{{Conditional Instructions based on selection above go here}}}

{{{Conditional Instructions based on selection above go here}}}

Applicant's Personal Details
Please complete the following information as it appears on your current passport or photographic identification.


Contact Information

Must be applicant's email - not agent's email.
Permanent Overseas Phone Number
Please provide a contact number from your home country (not an Australian phone number):

Australian Phone Number
Please provide an Australian contact number (not from any other country):

Permanent Overseas Home Address
Please provide your permanent residential address in your home country (not in Australia).

Current Overseas Residential Address
Please provide the address you are currently living at (not in Australia)

Australian Residential Address
Please provide the residential address you currently live at in Australia.

calculated fields

Citizenship and Residency

The three-number subclass that indicates the Australian Visa you currently hold. For example, 500, for a Student Visa. You can find this on your IMMI Grant Notice.
Based on what you've told us about your current VISA, you are not considered an International Student.

Click here to apply as a Domestic Student

English Language

If you speak multiple languages other then English at home, please indicate the language spoken the majority of the time.

You can review ACAP's English Package Pathway providers here ***LINK TO BE PROVIDED***

Based on what you've told us about which country your passport was issued in, despite English being your first language you are not exempt from providing evidence of English Language Proficiency.

Please select another option.

Based on what you've told us, we cannot accept your currently held English test as evidence of English Language Proficiency as it was completed more than 2 years ago.

We highly advise organizing another test as soon as possible.

Based on what you've told us, we may need more information on your English Language Proficiency to complete an assessment and issue you a Conditional Letter of Offer. 

Please proceed with your application. Any further requirements will be requested by our Admissions team.

Agent Details

Start typing the name of the agency to refine your search. If you cannot find it, the Agent does not have an active contract with Navitas. Select "I cannot find the agency name" below for other options.
looked-up Agency fields - mapped from "Select Agency"

If you cannot find the Agency name, that Agency does not hold an active contract with ACAP.

Agents that are not actively contracted with ACAP should contact to discuss the opportunity of becoming an ACAP contracted Agent.

If you are a contracted Agent and still cannot find your Agency, please contact your designated market manager.
ACAP can still accept this application, but we will consider it a direct application (not officially supported by an Education Agent).
  • Your agent can still help you with your application, but all communications will go directly to you, including things such as your Letter of Offer and eCoE.
  • ACAP cannot liase with a non-contracted agent acting on your behalf.
  • ACAP cannot act on any instructions or communications sent to us by a non-contracted agent acting on your behalf.
If you would like to continue this application as a direct applicant, please confirm your understanding below.
Unfortunately we are unable to accept applications from {{country}} that are not supported by an Education Agent that has an active contract with ACAP.
Secondary Education

Other Education

Overseas Post Secondary Education
If you have enrolled in, or completed more than 1 qualification, please enter the most recent.


Australian Post Secondary Education

Recognition of Prior Learning

Please complete an Application for Credit form and submit to

If you need more information, please visit our Higher Education: Applying for Credit page.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
All international students must have OSHC policy for the whole duration of their student visa. The College can arrange your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) on your behalf with the College's preferred provider - Allianz Global Assistance OSHC (refer to

Support Needs

For information about ACAP’s Accessibility (Disability) Services, please visit our AccessAbility: Disability Service page.

Emergency Contact Details
Please enter at least one contact number, including country area codes if outside of Australia, and email address.

Page References


What is your USI number?

A USI - Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia. If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.

From 1st of January 2021, all new students applying for Commonwealth Financial Assistance (VSL, HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP) will need to provide their USI on their Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF or eCAF) prior to census date. This also includes all on-shore international students.

To create a new USI or find your existing USI please visit

If you would like ACAP to apply for a USI on your behalf you must authorise us to do so. By authorising us to apply for a USI on your behalf, you consent to us using and disclosing the personal information provided at enrolment for that purpose.

In accordance with section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, ACAP will securely destroy personal information which we collect from individuals solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf as soon as practicable after we have made the application or the information is no longer needed for that purpose.

I have not applied for a USI yet and hereby authorise ACAP to apply for a USI on my behalf, pursuant to sub-section 9(20) of the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
Student Declaration
  • I declare that I am a genuine student that meets the Department of Home Affairs Genuine Student Requirement (GS) and I understand all GS requirements, found here.
  • I understand that if I receive a Letter of Offer - Acceptance Agreement, I may be required to provide additional evidence to the College before my electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) can be issued.
  • If I am issued an eCoE, I accept responsibility for obtaining my Student Visa and adhering to the conditions of my visa.
  • I undertake to make timely payments of any fees or associated costs for which I am liable. I am aware of the likely cost of my stay in Australia and have the necessary financial capacity to meet such costs for the duration of my course.
  • I acknowledge that I have read and accept the terms of ACAP's Privacy Policy, available here.

We require the following documentation to perform an Assessment and determine your eligibility for your selected course. 

Please attach scanned colour copies of your documents to relevant sections below (limit of 5MB per attachment, and a total of 35mb across all attachments. Zip files are not accepted) ensuring that the upload is complete for each document (this may take a few moments to process).

  • Copies of supporting documentation must be clear, legible and in its entirety
  • Any documentation not in English must be accompanied by an English translation
  • For most uploads, we only accept files with the following file  extensions:
    .doc, .docx .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pages, .keynote, .key, .numbers, .pdf, .odt, .ods, .odp, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .qtf

If you have any issues, please send your documents via email to
Please ensure your Passport document is certified.
Academic Certificates and Transcripts*
Please ensure the Academic documents you provide are certified.
Other documents
Based on questions you've answered on this form, we also require the following supporting documentation to complete an assessment of your application:
English Test result*
(You told us you completed an English Test and have the results)
Current Australian VISA*
(You told us you currently live in Australia)
Current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)*
(You told us you are currently studying in Australia)
Marriage Certificate*
(You told us you are married or have a partner or spouse)
Declaration and Privacy Consent

I am the person named on this application and give this declaration and agree to these terms in support of my application for enrolment in a course at the Australian College of Applied Professions (ACAP).

I am not a permanent resident or citizen of Australia, nor a citizen of New Zealand.

I understand that if I have any school-aged children or dependants accompanying me to Australia, they must attend school and I will be required to pay a full fee if they are enrolled either in a government or non-government school.

I declare that I can produce to ACAP originals of all documentation relied on in support of this application and I agree to produce any such documentation to ACAP on request.

I authorise ACAP to obtain any further information or records from any educational institution or recognised educational qualifications assessment body and to verify any information about my employment history that I have given to ACAP.  

I declare that the College has informed me through its policies, procedures and information supplied on the College website at, of my rights and obligations including: all tuition fees and other fees and changes associated with my intended studies; the College’s Credit Arrangement Policy and associated processes for applying for credit; the College’s policies on my making changes to, or withdrawal from, any course offer I receive and my course enrolment; the College’s Tuition Fee and Refund Policy; Course completion requirements - including criminal records and police and health check requirements where applicable; English language proficiency framework; the College’s Awards Issuance Policy; Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure, Academic Misconduct Policy and related Principles of Procedural Fairness and Student Code of Conduct.

I agree to be bound and abide by the policies and procedures, as amended from time to time, if I am accepted as a student at ACAP.

I understand that some ACAP courses require the completion of practical experience placements and that, if this is a requirement of my course, I will be required to complete all declarations, consents and checks required by law or otherwise reasonably required by ACAP, including a Working With Children Check declaration and consent and criminal record checks. If I am unable to provide all required and satisfactorily completed declarations, consents and checks as and when requested by ACAP, I will not be eligible to participate in practical experience placements and I understand that I will be unable to complete the course.

I understand that, if ACAP is required by law or considers it appropriate for public policy reasons (including health and safety) to close any campus, ACAP may require on-campus students to receive tuition via online delivery.

I understand that ACAP reserves the right to vary courses, units, the mode of delivery, assessment and admission requirements at any time at its discretion.

I understand that ACAP reserves the right to offer its courses subject to meeting minimum numbers and may cancel a course prior to commencement should the minimum number of enrolments not be met.

I acknowledge ACAP places restrictions on program and institution transfers and that I may not be permitted to change my program or institution without permission.

Should I be found ineligible for admission to the course nominated on this form, I authorise ACAP to assess my eligibility for another course or packaged pathway course.

I accept that this application and supporting documentation become the property of ACAP and are not returnable.

I understand that ACAP collects the information on this form and during my enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (2018); to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. ACAP will disclose information about my admission, enrolment and academic progress in certain circumstances to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the TPS Director. I understand that in other instances information collected on this form or during my enrolment can be disclosed without my consent where authorised or required by law.

I am aware that as an enrolled student I must notify ACAP of any change of contact details.

I declare that the information supplied on this application form and all supporting documentation is correct and complete, and that any supplementary application documents (personal statement, folio or additional requirements) are my own work. I understand ACAP is relying on this declaration and agreement in making any decision regarding admission and that ACAP may change any such decision if this declaration is false. I understand that ACAP reserves the right to inform other tertiary institutions and regulatory agencies if any of the material presented to support my application and enrolment is found to be false. I consent to receiving information electronically to my personal email address provided to the College and to a college specific email address assigned to me by ACAP. I acknowledge that I have read and accepted the terms of your Privacy Policy which can be found at

Applicant's Signature

Enter your full name above
Parent/Guardian details for students under 18

Enter your full name above