Students can apply for an early exit from eligible programs when they have met the required units for the lower-level award.
The units completed within the higher-level award must have been within the last 10 years. Any questions surrounding this can be directed to the relevant Discipline.
Applications must be submitted by the last day of Trimester to be included in the next conferral round. Applications made after the last day of Trimester that miss the next conferral round may have a delay of approximately four (4) months.
IMPORTANT INFORMATIONLower-level awards must be surrendered for higher-level awards if the lower-level award was granted as an exit award and if the student recommenced the higher-level award within 12 months of receiving the exit award. This is in line with section 3.4.5 of our Qualifications, Certification and Revocation Procedure located
It is the student's responsibility to ensure all personal details on record are correct. Failure to do so may result in incorrect documents or delays in postage.
If you have made any changes to your personal details since studying with the College, please fill out the below form to have these updated: https://